Skytevarn Resources Company was created to carry out prospecting, evaluation and exploration work for placer technical garnets in the Lotta river basin (Murmansk region). The perspective occurrences of abrasive garnet were found in this location, which form a large area of placer garnet localization with total resources comparable to the largest deposits. These deposits can fully secure a Russian market of strategic mineral materials and be competitive in the international market. The quality of abrasive garnet comply with the best world samples of garnet sands. The conditional garnet concentrates with garnet content more than 96 wt.% were obtained as well as rutile concentrates. Garnet abrasive is used in many industries, but the main areas of application are waterjet cutting, surface cleaning, production of mechanical filters for various liquids and traditional abrasive materials. The company has the appropriate license to perform geological exploration (licence number МУР 00922ТП). The exploration is carried out at the expense of Skytvarn Resources Company.