- 10 October
- All Halls

09:30 - Norilsk Nickel's Experience in the Application of Digital Technologies in Production

Chief Data Officer
Norilsk Nickel
09:35 - Industry 4.0 in MMK

Chief of partner center in Skolkovo
09:45 - The practice of using UAVs for managing infrastructure projects

Head of Product
10:00 - Nornickel's experience in the Application of Digital Technologies in Production

Head of Data and Digital Systems Business
10:10 - Digitisation of production in Severstal

Chief architect
Severstal Digital

11:30 - Intelligent Uranium Mining Methods Based on Modeling of Optimum Optical Waveguide Mode

Head of Digital Transformation Projects
11:40 - Building a digital platform for capital construction

Head of Information Modelling and Development of Construction Tools
Gazpromneft Terminal
12:00 - Monitoring personnel at the construction site (sensors, smart PPE)

Asset Development Business Partner, Asset Development Project Manager, Digital Development Platform Development Unit
Gazpromneft-Alternative Fuel
12:20 - The introduction of IT technology at the mining enterprises of METALLOINVEST

Head of department of monitoring and prospective development of mining operations
METALLOINVEST Management Company

14:00 - Bringing scale and adoption to Digital Transformation in Mining business

Central & Eastern Europe Industrial Leader
IBM Russia & CIS
14:15 - Opportunities of modern technologies and production needs. Maximizing returns on digital investment

Director, Operational Excellence
14:30 - Innovations

Head of Innovations
14:45 - Highland Gold Transformation Logic

Deputy CEO for Business Transformation
Highland Gold Mining
15:00 - 10 mistakes of implementing monitoring systems in underground mine

Newtrax Rus
15:15 - Advance of blockchain technology into mining industry.

Kamni Consulting

Innovative computer technology as a tool for managing the process of mining and improving the economic performance of the enterprise. New software features to improve the quality and safety of mining operations. Innovative computer and cloud-based technologies.
16:00 - Application of K-MINE as a unified mining management system

16:15 - Experience of using K-MINE at Kostanay Minerals

Chief geologist
Kostanay Minerals
16:30 - The Technology Breakthrough programme as digital future for Nornickel’s production facilities

Head of Industrial Automation Programme Unit
16:45 - Automating Routine Operational Decisions with Artificial Intelligence

Founder & CEO
Motion Metrics
17:00 - Trucks' operator fatigue management system

Technology Manager
Vostochnaya Technica
17:15 - Benefits of single digital environment for geological information management

Regional Leader, Russia and the CIS

M&A transactions – overview, trends in the structuring of transactions; Investment platforms and instruments; Raising funds and capital; Project financing; Sanctions.
09:30 - Accessing Global Capital Markets Through London

Head of Europe, Primary Markets
London Stock Exchange Group
09:45 - M&A in mineral industry and a success formula

Director, Business Development
Institute of Geotechnology
10:00 - Russia - Open for Business

Vice President - Exploration
IG Group
10:15 - Attracting investments for the development of IT solutions for the mining industry

AGR Software
10:30 - Ore concentrate swap

Head of Division
Moscow Exchange

Chief Operating Officer
Trans-Siberian Gold Management

Prosperity Capital Management

Director, Precious Metals Market
Moscow Exchange

Managing Director
New Mining Company

Mine safety. Radars. Geodesy.
11:30 - Safety 1st and 1st in safety: collision avoidance and fatigue monitoring

Business Development Manager
Hexagon Mining
11:45 - Risk Management for Mining Mobile Equipment

Ross SH Consulting
12:00 - IDS GeoRadar Solutions for Monitoring Board Stability in the Mining Industry

IDS georadars manager
Hexagon Geosystems Russia
12:15 - Organisation of remote control of the stability of slopes and dumps in open pit mining of coal deposits

Head of Geomechanical Control Department

Current practices in environment protection, occupational health and safety, social and economic impact assessment, communication with internal and external stakeholders, supply chain sustainability, product quality continuity and compliance with rules and regulations as well as international standards.
Knowledge partner: Chief Sustainability Officer Club, Deloitte & Touche CIS
Session sponsor: Metalloinvest

Director of Social Policy and Corporate Communications

Head of CSR and Brand department

Director of Department of social policy
Norilsk Nickel

Chief Sustainability Officer
Polymetal International

Chief Legal Officer, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Board member

Head of Communications
Highland Gold Mining

16:00 - Automation of routine sampling, measurement and testing processes in mining industry

Head of department of automated solutions
Thermo Techno Groups
16:15 - Implementation of Sandvik Automation System at Tara mine

Business Line Manager Automation CIS
Sandvik Mining and Construction
16:30 - K-MINE: modern information technology for mining management and planning

16:45 - smartHUB - Advanced Sensing & Data Analytics

Sales and Business Development Manager
indurad / talpasolutions
17:00 - The hidden potential of your mine, which you suspect but cannot verify

Newtrax Rus
17:15 - Open access to the natural history museums' data, their digital analysis and processing for geology.

Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS (SGM RAS)