- 9 October
- All Halls

MineDigital – the first competition Industry 4.0 technology for the geological and mining industries.
The competition will provide platform for the presentation of the innovations in the field of digitisation, automation and robotisation in the mining industry.
Competition sponsor
Ozernaya Mining Company manages a balanced package of assets – the Ozernoye, Nazarovskoye, Ermakovskoye, Talinskoye deposits, and also implements a project to develop the Ozernoye ore area. The company specialises in developing green-field projects from the “zero” stage. Presently the holding carries out exploration activities, conducts field development and construction of modern mining and metallurgical production complexes using its own energy and transport infrastructure. The main mining project of the company is the Ozernoye deposit in the Republic of Buryatia (Russian Federation). Ozernoye is one of the top ten zinc deposits in the world in terms of reserves and quality of ores. The resource potential of the Ozerninsky ore cluster is 194 million tons of ore.

Executive Finance Director
Ozernaya Mining Company

Head of the Department of Geological Exploration Technologies
Polymetal International
12:15 - Rapid assessment of the cost of transshipment of 1 m3 of rock mass. Example of developing a alluvial gold deposit using modern methods

Commercial Director
12:25 - Particle Size Analysis in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Novel Approach

Founder & CEO
Motion Metrics
12:35 - Intellectual tailings pond.

Digital Project Manager
12:45 - CleanOre 4.0

Innovation manager
12:55 - Increasing productivity of ball mills through the integration of a digital system for monitoring operation mode

Development Director
A9 Systems
13:05 - A step towards Industry 4.0 in the field of blasting: BlastManager control system for charge-charging machines based on high-precision positioning

Founder and President
RIT Automation

Vice President, Engeneering

Deputy COO, Director project office

Deputy CEO for Business Transformation
Highland Gold Mining

Head of Digital Production

Director, Business Development
Institute of Geotechnology

Managing Partner
Xploration Capital

Prospects for the development of the market of gold-bearing concentrates in Russia. New opportunities for refractory ore processing. Regulatory challenges.
Knowledge partner: Union of Gold Producers of Russia
14:30 - Complex processing of refractory gold-bearing ores - new point of growth in gold mining in Russia

Union of Gold Producers of Russia
14:45 - Creation, launch and development of technology of the Pokrovsky Autoclave-Hydrometallurgical Plant

General Director
Hydrometallurgy Research and Development Centre
14:55 - Creation, launch and development of technology of the Pokrovsky Autoclave-Hydrometallurgical Plant

Head of Scientific and Technical Department
Hydrometallurgy Research and Development Centre
15:00 - How to maintain business performance in the face of declining ore quality, market volatility, and toughening environmental standards at a polymetallic mine?

Deputy General Director for Design, Research and Development
Highland Gold Mining
15:15 - Amursk POX 2 project - the new high temperature autoclave for processing of double refractory gold concentrates

Director of science and technology research division
Polymetal Engineering
15:30 - The prospect of cooperation between Russia and China in the processing of refractory gold-bearing ores

General Director
China Gold Trade Corporation
15:40 - The technology for processing refractory concentrates at Shandong smelting company Henban (Humon). Prospects in the Russian market

Permanent representative
Shandong Humon Smelting
15:50 - The determination of the lower limit of cut-off grade in case of comparative calculations using technological factors

First Deputy General Director

9 октября 2019 г. в рамках 15-го горно-геологического форума МАЙНЕКС Россия 2019, специалисты компании МАЙКРОМАЙН Россия проведут серию демо-презентаций специальных возможностей ГГИС Майкромайн для разных отраслей горнодобывающей промышленности: геологии, горного дела, маркшейдерии и консалтинга.
Вход бесплатный, но требуется регистрация для получения сувенирных и информационных материалов, в т.ч. по итогам мероприятия (планируется видео-запись)
09:30 – 10:00 – Геология – Анализ области поиска и QKNA в Майкромайн 2020
10:15 – 10:45 – Горное дело – Рефакторинг проектирования вееров в Майкромайн 2020
11:00 – 11:30 – Маркшейдерия – Отбор шумов из облака точек в Майкромайн 2020
11:45 – 12:15 – Консалтинг – Обработка результатов QA/QC в Майкромайн
Спикерами выступят Евгения Шульга, руководитель департамента развития ГГИС Майкромайн, и Екатерина Пеленкова, ведущий геолог МАЙКРОМАЙН Консалтинг.
Место проведения: Москва, пл. Европы, д. 2, отель Редиссон Славянская, зал “Чехов”.
Пожалуйста, пройдите регистрацию на демо-презентации.

9 октября 2019 г. в рамках 15-го горно-геологического форума МАЙНЕКС Россия 2019, специалисты компании МАЙКРОМАЙН Россия проведут серию демо-презентаций специальных возможностей ГГИС Майкромайн для разных отраслей горнодобывающей промышленности: геологии, горного дела, маркшейдерии и консалтинга.
Вход бесплатный, но требуется регистрация для получения сувенирных и информационных материалов, в т.ч. по итогам мероприятия (планируется видео-запись)
09:30 – 10:00 – Геология – Анализ области поиска и QKNA в Майкромайн 2020
10:15 – 10:45 – Горное дело – Рефакторинг проектирования вееров в Майкромайн 2020
11:00 – 11:30 – Маркшейдерия – Отбор шумов из облака точек в Майкромайн 2020
11:45 – 12:15 – Консалтинг – Обработка результатов QA/QC в Майкромайн
Спикерами выступят Евгения Шульга, руководитель департамента развития ГГИС Майкромайн, и Екатерина Пеленкова, ведущий геолог МАЙКРОМАЙН Консалтинг.
Место проведения: Москва, пл. Европы, д. 2, отель Редиссон Славянская, зал “Чехов”.
Пожалуйста, пройдите регистрацию на демо-презентации.

MineDigital – the first competition Industry 4.0 technology for the geological and mining industries.
The competition will provide platform for the presentation of the innovations in the field of digitisation, automation and robotisation in the mining industry.
Competition sponsor
Ozernaya Mining Company manages a balanced package of assets – the Ozernoye, Nazarovskoye, Ermakovskoye, Talinskoye deposits, and also implements a project to develop the Ozernoye ore area. The company specialises in developing green-field projects from the “zero” stage. Presently the holding carries out exploration activities, conducts field development and construction of modern mining and metallurgical production complexes using its own energy and transport infrastructure. The main mining project of the company is the Ozernoye deposit in the Republic of Buryatia (Russian Federation). Ozernoye is one of the top ten zinc deposits in the world in terms of reserves and quality of ores. The resource potential of the Ozerninsky ore cluster is 194 million tons of ore.

Executive Finance Director
Ozernaya Mining Company

Head of the Department of Geological Exploration Technologies
Polymetal International
14:30 - A comprehensive method for assessing the gold potential of license areas.

Senior expert
IGT Group
14:40 - ExpertGeo - a specialised system for operational planning and management of mine development based on unmanned technologies.

14:50 - Solving the problems of complex mining automation challenges

15:00 - "Orange" solution to improve the efficiency of workforce protection and industrial safety processes.

Mining Solutions Development Director
Orange Business Services
15:10 - The system of end-to-end planning of the work of the main shops of the mining and processing enterprise.

Head of Implementation Department

Vice President, Engeneering

Deputy CEO for Business Transformation
Highland Gold Mining

Deputy COO, Director project office

Head of Digital Production

Director, Business Development
Institute of Geotechnology

Managing Partner
Xploration Capital

The objective of the competition is to provide a platform for independent evaluation of early stage and developing mining projects and to discuss opportunities for their accelerated implementation with the assistance from investors and financial backers.
The competition is sponsored by KPMG and endorsed by the Federal Subsoil Use Agency – Rosnedra and the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Central Research Institute of geological prospecting for base and precious metals (FSBI “TsNIGRI”).
16:00 - Gold and silver potential of Kyplatap and Televeem mining property (Chukotka)

Production Director
Terra Invest
16:10 - Künkünür Silver

OGMMC Capital
16:20 - Ore gold content of the Chuvalsky deposit in Perm region

Chief geologist
16:30 - Diamond exploration in the Arkhagelsk Region

Proex Service
16:40 - Azarga Metals: “Unkursky copper-silver project in the Udokan ore district”

Vice-President Exploration
Azarga Metals Corporation
16:50 - Gold mining of the Lysogorsky deposit

Deputy CEO
17:00 - Junior LD project, Yakutia, gold.

Russian geological service enterprise (RGSE)
17:10 - Olga’s gold, Svobodnii’s copper and a forgotten story

Chief Executive Officer
17:20 - Placer garnet deposits of Lotta river (Murmansk area): Skytevarn project development, technological properties of garnet sands

Executive director
Skytevarn Resources

First Vice-President

Deputy CEO, Mineral Resources

Deputy CEO for Corporate Development
Highland Gold Mining

Head of Planning, Strategy and Business Development

Head of strategy and investments

Investment director
RT-Business development

Director, Business Development
Institute of Geotechnology

Director-Mergers & Acquisitions
- Chekhov Hall