Alexandra Makarcheva


Graduate of the RGGRU-MGRI named after S. Ordzhonikidze, Ph.D. 2018 - present - geologist at GeoSolutions LLC.

09.10.2019 14:30 - Technical Session 2 | Tolstoy Hall

Features of the substantiation of conditions in the assessment of vein gold ore bodies with low thickness and intermittent mineralisation

A number of gold ore vein deposits are characterised by a low thickness of bodies and intermittent mineralisation along dip and strike. These features of the fields should be taken into account when developing condition indicators for their contouring in order to calculate reserves. To conduct a geological analysis of conditions using existing software tools, conversion and addition of source files is required, in particular, it is necessary to calculate the length of the zones of influence of individual intersections. Determining the balance sheet ownership of individual blocks by the minimum industrial grade without taking into account the actual capacity of ore bodies is not correct. To solve this problem, it is proposed to calculate the average gold content in blocks taking into account constructive dilution.

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