Alexey Shalashinski
Sales and Business Development Manager
indurad / talpasolutions
Alexey Shalashinski is a mining engineer graduated from Tallinn University of Technology, and is holding MBA title from Tartu University in Estonia.
He has been involved in various projects in mining industry during last 18 years in Russia and CIS countries as well as in Australia, Canada, India, South Africa and several other countries.
At indurad and talpasolutions Alexey is in charge of business development for radar based solutions in mining and metals industries as well as IIoT platform offering pursued in cooperation of both companies.
smartHUB - Advanced Sensing & Data Analytics
smartHub is the Harware and Software platform meant for use in the rough mining environment. Within this initiative two companies indurad and talpasolutions merged their competences to create the environment for capturing, transmitting and analysing big data from mining machinery and equipment. Using most advanced methods of data management and assessment smartHub becomes a platform able to manage single machines, entire mine fleets as well as context information for mining process optimisation. The presentation will cover several practice cases from projects with mining companies as well as OEM-s.