Anatoly Lavrentiev
Deputy Director
Siberian Gold Mining Company
Anatoly Lavrentyev began his career in the industry with the foundation of the Vera Artisans Miners' Artels in 2009, which was engaged in the development of an alluvial deposit in the Altai Republic. Anatoly joined the Siberian Gold Ore Company in 2014 which obtained subsoil license in Guryevsky District in Kuzbass, Russia. The initiative and expressed leadership qualities allowed Anatoly Stepanovich to take the post of the deputy director after 2 years.
Under his leadership and with direct participation, a large amount of work was carried out at the Yuzhno-Salairskaya area.
Thanks to his enthusiasm and energy, the company sets itself constant tasks for the preparation, implementation and industrial development of the region’s mineral resources base.
Development of South Salair Gold Deposit
The project substantiates the feasibility of the industrial development of the deposit, makes decisions on the development of the deposit, processing and use of mined mineral resources, examines the issues of environmental protection and environmental restrictions and identifies the main technical and economic indicators of the projected production, assesses the investment risks of the project.