Duska Rokavec

Head of Mineral resources Department
Geological Survey of Slovenia

Dr. Duška Rokavec (Ms), senior economic geologist, on the head of “Mineral resources and environmental geochemistry Departement” for 20 years. She has 31 years experience as an expert for evaluation and assessment of non-metal mineral deposits, economic geology with classification of mineral reserves and resources, mineral surface extraction, spatial planning of mining areas etc. She is qualified as a court expert for mineral deposits and surface mining and she has gained the designation of European Engineer. She is on the head of national Commission for determining mineral reserves. She is also qualified and authorised according to the Mining law for independent mining/geol. project leader. She is coordination of two on-going EU funded projects (eg. proj.Reseerve).

09.10.2019 14:30 - Business Podium 1 | Glinka Hall

Mineral Potential of East and South-East Europe

Primary and secondary mineral raw materials are of strategic importance for South-East Europe (SEE) as well as for EU. Most EU countries are already part of the pan‐European Minerals Intelligence Network which provides European level, consistent and organised mineral data information on primary and secondary mineral resources. SEE region represents a gap in this network. RESEERVE EIT RawMaterials project, financed by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), addresses this challenge by creating SEE countries Mineral Register. Project’s consortium includes EIT RawMaterials project partners from EU countries and task partners from SEE region with Geological Survey of Slovenia as coordinator. Project will integrate SEE region into pan-European Minerals Intelligence Network, increase SEE countries mineral resources management capacity, ensure sufficient flow of information on mineral resources for European industry to expand investments in the SEE region, create regional opportunities for start‐ups and SMEs and generate new jobs opportunities.

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