Julia Mazanova
Director of Social Policy and Corporate Communications
Julia Mazanova has built a system of sustainable development in the regions where Metalloinvest operates. In partnership with authorities, local communities and NGOs, Metalloinvest implemented a number of corporate programs aimed at developing the potential of the territories and creating a high-quality socio-cultural environment.
Metalloinvest's leadership in corporate social responsibility and charity is supported by numerous awards (RSPP, Donors Forum, Russian Managers Association, Blagosphere, etc.). The Corporate Program “Let's Do It Together!” was recognised as the best social investment program in the framework of the annual international competition “Leaders of Corporate Charity - 2017”.
• In 1990, Julia Mazanova graduated with honours from the Faculty of Technical Cybernetics and Automation of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering
• In 2006, she received an MBA from the Political and Business Communications Institute of the Institute of Communication Management at the Higher School of Economics
Professional experience
• From 1993 to 1995 - Head of the Advertising Department at VIKO
• From 1995 to 1997 - Head of the Information and Advertising Department of Electronics Design
• From 1997 to 2005 - Head of the Public Relations Department of East Line Group
• From 2005 to 2010 - Director of the Corporate Communications Department of Metalloinvest Management Company
• Since September 2010 - Director for Social Policy and Corporate Communications of Metalloinvest Management Company
• Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland, II Degree"
Julia Mazanova topped the “Best 50 CSR Managers ” in the 2018 rating of the Russian Managers Association.