Mikhail Leskov
Director, Business Development
Institute of Geotechnology
Mikhail Leskov, Deputy General Director in Institute of Geotechnology (Russia), is metallurgist with more that 35 years’ experience in management, engineering and consultancy for the wide range of project for exploration, mining and extracting of different mineral commodities. Recently he is working also as a Board Member and Advisor to the Board in a number of Russian and international companies in mineral sector.
Previously he worked on top positions inside large mineral holdings in Russia such as Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ), Russian Platinum Group, Severstal Group, Gazprombank Group and Renova Group and GV Gold.
Mr. Leskov has a broad consulting and engineering experience, spending a decade in one of largest Soviet institutes (VNIPROzoloto/Ginalmazzoloto), been running his own consulting company (NBLgold) two more decades and also co-operating many years with various other local and international consultancies and engineering companies.
Graduated initially as mineral processing engineer in Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, with speciality on an Engineering and Design for Mineral Processing/Beatification Plants.
Head of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties in Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN (Russian RPO&NRO under CRIRSCO).
Member (with “Director” status) of Association of Independent Directors (Russia).
One of MINEX Forum’ founders, Chairman of MINEX FAR EAST Committee.
Man-made deposits in Russia and CIS: challenges and opportunities
M&A in mineral industry and a success formula
With the recovery and development of the mining industry in Russia and other countries of the former USSR, M&A deals in this industry have become more widespread, but have become noticeably less frequent in the last 5-7 years. Interest in them has begun to return recently. What leads to success in these deals? What should the buyer and seller consider in current conditions?
Jury Member: MineInvest, MineMovie Film Festival, Russian Mining Excellence Awards