Oleg Kazanov
Deputy Director General for Geology
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Resources named After N.M. Fedorovsky Federal State Budgetary Institution FGBU "VIMS"
The graduate of the Faculty of Geology, St. Petersburg State University 1996. 1996-2003 - lecturer at St. Petersburg University 2004-2008 - work at KMGS (Bema Gold), geologist - the lead geologist - the chief geologist. 2009-2016 - Chief Geologist of Central Kola Expedition OJSC, 2017 - 2018 - Chief Geologist of VIMS Federal State Budgetary Institution. Head of exploration projects at the IPY, gold, iron, titanium, technical garnet. Current projects include additional exploration of the Sukhoi Log gold deposit, prospecting for chrome in the Polar Urals, exploration of the Murtykty gold deposit (Bashkiria). Freelance expert FBU "GKZ".
Geological prospects and trends of the mineral resource base development in Russia