Roman Rudin
Head of Digital Transformation Projects
1997 - graduated from Penza State University with a degree in Automated Information Processing and Management Systems, diploma with honours
1998-2000 - System analyst, PJSC "Tyazhpromarmatura" (Penza);
2004-2005 - Consultant, "Softline" group of companies (Moscow);
2005-2007 - Senior Analyst, IBS Group of Companies (Moscow);
2007-2010 - Project Manager, GrandMaster Company (Moscow);
2010-2014 - Project Manager, Bellintegrator (Moscow);
2014-present - Head of Digital Transformation Projects, Atomredmetzoloto - Uranium Holding Company of Rosatom State Corporation (Moscow).
In 2017 toook part in the "Management of technological innovations" further education program of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.
Intelligent Uranium Mining Methods Based on Modeling of Optimum Optical Waveguide Mode
Introducing New Uranium Mining Techniques Using Smart Digital Instruments