Business Podium 3

09:30 - 11:00 / 10.Oct.2019 (Glinka Hall)

Business presentation session held alongside the Trade Show using "Silent event technology"

Alexander Tyunyatkin

09:30 - OREAS - from Rock to CRM as per Customer's Order.

Roman Tolchinsky
Senior Geological Engineer

09:45 - Drilling grid optimization using Sequential Gaussian Conditiona Simulation

Roman Kolesinskiy
Senior Geologist

10:00 - DrillManager - an automated control system for the drilling complex and BlastManager - a control system for mixing and charging machines

Ilya Yakushev
Founder and President
RIT Automation

10:15 - New search technologies based on multidimensional reconstruction of the geological environment according to electromagnetic fields: concept, software, equipment, results.

Evgeniy Krupnov
Leading geophysicist
Aerogeopysical surveys

10:30 - Implicit modelling – a good tool or a bubble of soap?

Ekaterina Pelenkova
Senior Geologist
Micromine Rus

10:45 - Mobile MT: A new airborne EM method applied to mineral exploration in northern Ontario, Canada. "Broken Evil Prospect".

Vladislav Kaminski
Senior geophysicist
Promiseland Exploration