Chris Nind
VP Business Development
Abitibi Geophysics
Chris Nind is a Toronto based senior geophysicist and the Vice President of Abitibi Geophysics. He was the General Chair of the Exploration ’17 conference in Toronto in October 2017, and a past President of the Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society. Since graduating in 1977 from Queen’s University with a BSc in mathematics, he has worked as a geophysicist with Geoterrex, Dighem and Fugro Airborne Surveys in various management positions. From 2004 to 2013, he was the President & CEO of Scintrex Ltd. He joined Abitibi Geophysics in November 2017. He has authored and co-authored numerous technical papers on exploration geophysics and presented papers at many international conferences.
Geophysical Exploration: Advances in Electrical and Potential Field Survey Methods
Abitibi Geophysics , with our Moscow based partner AGT, provide a range of modern geophysical services in eastern Europe and in Central Asia using local crews trained to operate the Abitibi equipment. Abitibi Geophysics specialists provide the training, daily oversight to ensure quality control, final data processing, inversions and interpretation. This business model has proven to be very successful and allows local operators to offer recent advances in geophysical exploration methods that increase the depth of exploration and improve resolution, allowing drill targets to be selected with higher confidence of success.
This talk will present brief summaries with case studies of advances in electromagnetic and induced polarization survey methods, improved efficiency of measuring and interpreting gravity in boreholes, and the acquisition of high resolution magnetic data using a drone.