Dmitry Dobrynin
Senior expert
IGT Group
Specialist in digital analysis and interpretation of earth remote sensing data. Area of interest-neotectonics, cryolithology, modern exogenous processes, paleogeography, methods for assessing the dynamics of natural processes. Author of algorithms and technologies for thematic processing of satellite images. He is currently developing this work in the IGT Group.
A comprehensive method for assessing the gold potential of license areas.
During the validity of the "application principle" for obtaining licenses for subsoil use, at the beginning of 2019, it was decided to grant the right to use subsoil-2069, issued 1935 licenses, including in 2018 – 749. That is, at the moment, 2069 areas either would have to start to explore or will begin in the near future. Often the expectations of shareholders do not correspond to the true resource potential of the sites, and many make the same mistakes in choosing the investment strategy and their development.
One of the most effective methods of obtaining a reliable geological assessment of the selected object is a set of works that forms an understanding of the geological situation at the initial stages of prospecting and evaluation works. The complex includes several types of studies that consistently reduce geological risk: spectral analysis of satellite imagery, provide detailed orthophoto, (including LIDAR) with the use of drones, the collection, compilation and analysis of all available geological and geophysical data and historical search reconnaissance routes with elements geochemical survey to validate main identified anomalies. These data are used to build the first layers of the GIS project, on the basis of which you can either reject the site, or optimise further investments by focusing on the main identified anomalies. The relatively low cost of this method gives a significant economic effect on the subsequent stages of work.