Vladislav Bykhanov

Partner, Industry and Oil and Gas Practices

Vladislav graduated from Moscow Pedagogical University with a degree in Economics. He came into recruitment in 1997. Since 2000 - specialises in recruitment in the oil and gas industry. Vladislav joined Cornerstone in 2003 as head of the Oil and Gas department. Over the years, the department, created from scratch, has become one of the leading in the company. Vladislav Bykhanov has a large number of publications in the media, holds professional HR-related training courses, is a regular participant and speaker in relevant events, a member of SPE and the Russian Society of Petroleum Engineers. In 2011 and 2012, he became one of the best recruitment consultants according to the Human Resources magazine. Since 2012 - Member of the expert council of the Association of Consultants for Recruitment.

09.10.2019 14:30 - Business Podium 1 | Glinka Hall

Experience in managing large projects. SHELL and BP examples

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